875 Industrial Highway, Unit 10
Cinnaminson, NJ 08077

How We Train
We train with a balanced approach, teaching dogs to always find their advantage! We do this by utilizing all 4 quadrants of the operant conditioning matrix when appropriate. This not only helps create motivated dogs who want to work with us, but also dogs who understand boundaries!
Proper communication in a fun and consistent manner is the key to successful obedience training and behavior refinement. As you learn to communicate with your dog using our system, you will begin to enrich your life with your dog, instead of your dog hindering it.

Why we train
We are dog lovers before we are dog trainers. We truly believe in making the most out of the time we get with our dogs.
We train with a goal in mind. To teach every dog to have reliable on and off leash obedience, allowing them to safely experience the freedom they require to lead a healthy and happy life!
Our dogs should compliment our lives, not complicate them.
What Will We Learn?
While going through any program with CKS it is just as important that you learn as much as your dog does! We will teach you reward techniques, appropriate play, the best way to use a remote collar, body language, leash handling skills and any other training tools. We will also show you how to practically apply the training in your daily life at home and in public settings.
What your dog will learn:
Come - return to handler
Sit - sit and stay in a sit until released, automatic sit in heel position, sit at doorways/thresholds, sit with attention
Down - go into down position and stay until released
Place - go to any elevated surface and stay there until released
Heel - attentive walk on left side, loose leash, auto sit when handler stops walking
Lets go - less structured loose leash walk (dog can sniff, potty, explore but still not allowed to pull, bark or lunge)
Break - release out of a command
Off - all 4 paws on the ground/get off furniture
Out - drop a toy, bone or something in their mouth and move away from it